So, by now, most of you know I am completely in love and obsessed with the fitness
program, Zumba®. After obtaining my certificate to teach Zumba® in Goa, India last year...that just wasn't enough! I found out that international sensation & Zumba Education Specialist (ZES), Kelly Bullard was going to be coming to Bangalore to teach Zumba II and Aqua Zumba! "GET OUT OF THE CITY!" I couldn't believe it and signed up IMMEDIATELY!
program, Zumba®. After obtaining my certificate to teach Zumba® in Goa, India last year...that just wasn't enough! I found out that international sensation & Zumba Education Specialist (ZES), Kelly Bullard was going to be coming to Bangalore to teach Zumba II and Aqua Zumba! "GET OUT OF THE CITY!" I couldn't believe it and signed up IMMEDIATELY!
One of the first parts of our day of training was getting in the pool and actually attending an Aqua Zumba® class!
What a workout!
If the name Zumba® is attached to it you know it's gonna be fun and Aqua Zumba® certainly didn't disappoint and Kelly brought the Party to the Pool!
Practicing how to show our classes how to lift up their feet in the water so that they get a really good ab workout.

The Whole Aqua Group!

The Whole Aqua Group!
Woo-Hoo! It's official! I'm a licensed Aqua Zumba® instructor!
One of the things that was so fun about getting my Aqua Zumba® certification here in India was that a lot of the friends I met in Goa for my initial Zumba® certification attended the class in Bangalore! It was so great to see them all again.
One of my Goa Girls, Luisa! xo
With Day One a success and Zumba License #2 under my belt it was time to go home and get a good night sleep because I woke the next morning and went back for more! Time to get my
B2 Certificate!!
Two Amazing ZES's (Zumba Education Specialist) worked with us in our training sessions,
Kelly Bullard, USA & Sucheta Pal, India
There I am!
Zumba® is a guaranteed Sweaty-Smiley Good Time!
My new friend, Maikel, from Indonesia. Absolutely amazing amounts of energy and such a FUN FUN FUN instructor!!

B2 Complete!

B2 Complete!
Could we pass for sisters?! Probably just the hair, huh?!
It is still crazy for me to wrap my head around how I met Kelly, a hometown gal from Milwaukee, India! Talk about crazy, right?! She's such an inspirational and amazing person! I really hope she makes it back to India one more time before I move back to the US!
Pack those bags, Kelly! India is waiting for your return!
Peace. Love. ZUMBA®!!!!!!!!!!!