Friday, 24 February 2012

Zumba® Love!


To say I'm in LOVE with the fitness program, Zumba® is less than accurate b/c I'm also totally and completely's the best thing since canned bread!  (Kidding!  I can't believe they make that stuff and SERIOUSLY!?  Who eats CANNED bread, anyhow!?  ISH!)  Okay.  Moving right along.

A good friend back in the US tried for MONTHS to get me to attend a Zumba® class with her because she was having the time of her life....well, once I finally drug my lazy butt to the gym - I was HOOKED!  It's the MOST fun I've ever had exercising.  You sweat your butt off (literally!) but don't realize it b/c the classes are such a blast.

I went to one Zumba® class since moving to Bangalore and it proved to be difficult to get back to the class (ie coordinating my driver getting me there).  So, I basically was in a Zumba® draught for about 5 months!  THEN!  I received the most glorious email - three girls that live in my community had gotten certified to teach Zumba® classes and were going to start them in January 2012.  I'm not kidding you...the day I got the email I wrote the date of the first class on my calendar.  There was noooo way I was going to miss that class.  It was perfect.  I had no excuses not to get there.  I didn't have to depend on my driver anymore - I could walk to class, run to class, ride my scooter to class and quite frankly it didn't matter what mode of transportation I decided on - I just knew I was NOT going to miss that first class and I DIDN'T!!!  I arrived early.  Shoelaces tightly knotted.  Ready to ROCK IT!  And I didn't miss another class for the next 2 weeks and then I found out...dun, dun dun....Insert sad depressing music.....That two of the instructors were going to be leaving this summer.  I couldn't believe it!  I was devastated!  FINALLY we had brought the Zumba® party to my community and now what?!  Come this summer would we just have to end the classes b/c there wouldn't be people to teach them!??!  That's when I got the crazy idea that if I wanted to assure I could do Zumba® for our remaining two and half years in India - Well then - I might just have to become an instructor!?! 

So, I went online to and started to snoop around when there would be instructor trainings and where.  Maybe I could get certified when I was home in the US this summer?!  WELL!  Would you believe it....EVEN BETTER!  I discovered there was going to be a training the very next weekend in Goa, India!  My heart started beating faster and my mind started to whirl.  Next weekend.  We don't have plans next weekend.  Hmm... This maybe JUST MAYBE could actually WORK! 

Meanwhile, Matt was on a business trip in Chennai and I sent him an email that said, "If you are on board with this idea- I am seriously thinking about flying to Goa next weekend to get certified to teach Zumba® classes?!"  His response was simply, "You Go Girl!"  WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!  That was the green light I needed and as they say, "The rest is history!"  I recruited my friend, Katie, to join me in my endeavour and the two of us started planning our trip. 

The morning of my departure, I drove into the office with Matt so that Claudius wouldn't have to back track to pick me up and bring me to the airport.  Katie lives in the city and her house is on the way to the airport so we agreed we'd meet at her house & then her driver would take us to the airport.  As we drove to the office, inevitably we sat stuck in traffic.  I have found that the traffic doesn't bother me AT ALL if I have a good book with me.  So I was happily entranced in my novel, flipping the pages (at lightning speed mind you b/c I didn't have any children vying for my attention.)  When out of my peripheral vision I could tell there was someone at the car window.  I have become accustom to the beggars coming to the window asking for money or people trying to sell some sort of whirring trinkity piece of junk (which of course, the kids ALWAYS think we should buy!)  Sometimes they tap on the window.  Sometimes they cup their hands over their eyebrows and put their face onto the window.  Other times they just stand there - If they are looking for money when they make eye contact with you they will form their hand into the shape of a birdie beak and then put their hand up to their lips to show that they want $$ for food.  Sometimes it will be a mother holding a child - Who of course will point to her beautiful baby and ask for $$ to feed the child.  It's heart wrenching!  Sometimes it's a young child holding a sleeping baby.  One time we even had a woman come to our window and it looked like her EAR had been blown-up!!  It was HORRID!  (I seriously think Michael was a bit traumatised by it all as he still brings it up and wonders what are you supposed to do if you are on the MOTORCYCLE and a beggar approaches?!....Good question, Michael!)  The lady with the bloody ear really scared him.

Shortly after moving here we had a family of beggars approach us coming out of a store.  The children were all tugging on our clothes and the mother opened up a basket with a SNAKE in it!  That sent us all into a record breaking SPRINT to the car.  Matt was directing our kids into the car like he was landing a jet plane.  Limbs flailing and barking, "Get in!  Get in!"  Then the kids began asking Claudius, "Why did they do that to us?!  Why did she shove that snake in our face?!"  Claudius tried to explain to us all that they didn't mean to scare you - They were trying to show you something "Cool" ie the snake - In hopes that "Now I showed you something unique and special...Now you pay me $$!"  Unfortunately, that tactic did not work well with our family.  We all went running for the hills like a bunch of scared school girls.  So instead of graciously handing them some coins we were all scrambling to get back into the car like a bunch of crazed circus clowns!

Since then, Claudius has helped us become good at spotting a "real" beggar from a "good actor".  One of the sad realities we have learned is that almost all of the children that are begging are "working" for someone.  The children don't get the money.  There "guy" does.  So we give the children little packages of crackers.  Something we know that they can eat right away and it won't get taken away from them.  The sleeping babies that are being lugged around by children are drugged to keep them sleeping.  The "guy" does this so that people will give the begging children more money and it is true - Your heart breaks when you see these scenarios.  The "guys" know this and that's why they drug these babies and send them out with young children.  So sad.  Claudius is quick to roll down his window and offer his own $$ to the truly needy.  We've come to learn to follow his lead.  You can imagine initially how horrified I was when Claudius offered no aid to the poor woman who was missing her ear!  As I'm basically throwing money out the window to her - Claudius is telling us all, "No Ma'am.  It all be fake."  Matt and I both said, "NO!?!?  WHAT?!  How could it be fake?!  She's bleeding and missing part of her ear...."  To which Claudius launched into a long talk about how people do "make-up" and her "guy" tore her clothes and they made her look like she had a terrible injury in order for her to get more money.  After he told us this - We did start to think it through a bit.  Ya know what?!  I think Claudius was RIGHT!  Looking back, if she really was that messed up and missing part of her ear (not to be too graphic) but the blood would have been gushing and dripping etc it was just "perfect" looking.  Ghorry and gross but that was it.  WOW!  We were duped!  She had on the best Halloween Costume EVER!!!  We've also learned that when one beggar is rapping on your window - If you look around there is probably someone laying down on a nearby sidewalk.  Another beggar that is taking a "nap" until they switch roles.  One begs.  One sleeps & then they switch.  These types of beggars also work for a "guy" who is no doubt somewhere close by - Watching and making sure they keep working. 

So, all that to say that sometimes - I don't look up.  You don't know if it's going to be a pitiful looking mother, a bloody faker or a legit invalid and I've learned to follow Claudius' lead.  So as I read my book, I could sense that someone was watching me - Although it was a little unnerving to know you are being watched- I didn't look up.  After all, Claudius hadn't activated the automatic window or anything.  So I just sat there.  Except now I wasn't reading.  I was just sitting there.  Pretending to read.  Consciencly deciding I was NOT going to look up.  Yet thinking "Stop that swaying all ready!"....Okay.  I can't take it any longer.  I HAD to look.  I slowly shift my eyes off the pages of my book, turn my head towards the window and I LITERALLY almost pooped my pants....I was nose to nose with the biggest BROWN COW I've ever seen in my life!  HAHAHAH!    Sucker scared me half to death! 
By the time I acknowledged her...she wasn't interested in me anymore.  I think I hurt her feelings?!

Talk to the Hand...or should I say...Hiney!?

  I wonder if she gets in trouble when she lays down to take a nap on the sidewalk?!
The view of the city from Katie's rooftop terrace

Laundry Day on the Rooftop (see the lady doing the wash?!)

Next time I go to Katie's the kids want to come along and try out her pool :0)

Catching some rays!

Our flight was delayed an hour.  Not a big deal when you are travelling without any kids.  We quietly sat in the terminal sipping our coffee and eating a butterscotch muffin.  I took the next picture for Rachel who is STILL obsessed with horses.  These guys were happily waiting for their flight (I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with the beer they were consuming!)  They informed me that they had been in a production the night before and these heads were one of their props.  Oh man!  If only Rachel had one of these head's - This would catapult her imaginative play into a whole new realm!

CHEERS and CHEESE for the camera!
Shuttle Bus to the airport.  Adventurous!

Gorgeous Goa!
Sun is already starting to set by the time we get situated into our hotel.
Rooftop Pool

Looking out over Goa from the rooftop of the hotel

One of the ONLY times we sat down during our weekend.
The next TWO days (9:00-5:00) were spent Zumba® Dancing!

 Pretty PRETTY Pool!

Goodnight Goa!

Good Morning, Goa!  Time to Rise, Shine  & Shimmy!

Apparently, B'lore isn't the only place in India that utilizes the open sewer system. 

Woo-Hoo!  We MADE it to our training location!

The training center

Public Garden right out front of the building

I LOVE this sign!  Just in case we have time to shop I'm so glad there is a Blooming....Dales! ;0)

Our ZES (Zumba® Education Specialist) Carolina Arias, who came all the way to Goa from New Zealand, didn't waste anytime getting the party....I mean, TRAINING started ;0)

Stick out like a sore thumb, don't I?!
Wasn't long before that jacket came off! 
Feelin' hot Hot HOT!!!

Soaking in everything Carolina was teaching us!
Doin' the Beto Shuffle!

My Infamous BLUE soled shoes!

Havin' FUN!

Me and Katie....Shiny, Happy People!

Group Photo & the END of day one!  PHEW! 

Time for dinner.  Paneer, garlic-buttered naan & dahl makhani.
We loved it sooo much.  We ordered the same thing BOTH NIGHTS!  Hahah!

Day Two.  Look at all of the Awesome Zumbawear®

One of the best perks of Zumba®?!?  NEW FRIENDS!
This is Preethy!  Clicked immediately!  LOVE HER!

Great Minds Think Alike - Carolina and I both NEEDED our Diet Coke ;0)

Carolina's necklace and the Zumba® philosophy....

Katie's Choreography Group

My Choreo Crew (I got LUCKY too b/c these two were SERIOUSLY good dancers!)  I learned a lot from them.

Much needed BREAK!

Sharing some Zumba® Love with Christy! xo

Posin' With Carolina!!
What an incredible opportunity to learn from someone so talented.  There are a lot of good dancers in the world but to be able to break those steps down and actually TEACH people how to dance.  Seriously!  She's got a gift!  So incredible!

Woot-Woot!  I'm officially part of the Zumba® Family! :0)

Although my eyes are totally creeping me out & this is highly cheesy - Here we are at our "Celebratory Supper" posing with our Certificates!  YAY!

Now that I'm official - It's time to share the LOVE of Zumba®

Vigorously working on my routines and I will be rocking a Zumba® studio near you soon! :0)  xo

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Merry Christmas 2011 - Happy New Year 2012

We packed a lot into the Christmas Holiday season this year.  In all honesty - I think in part it was to keep our minds occupied and be thankful for the things we are experiencing while in India and trying not to dwell TOO MUCH on the traditions, family and friends that we were all really missing... ESPECIALLY around this time of year.

We hosted our first annual B'lore
 Fam & Friend Christmas Party

Lara (our little German "Life-Saver")
I don't know what Erica would do without her!
They are two peas in a pod!

Arttu & Joona - Brothers & Two of our Fab Finnish Friends!

The trampoline is great for keeping LOTS of kids happy
and entertained ALL at the same time!
Children from all over the world enjoyed watching
"ELF"  What's not to love, right?!  Such a great movie!

"I like Smiling.  Smiling's my favourite!"

When Matt's boss, Steve, came over for dinner we all started talking about Elf.   What ensued was the next half an hour filled with us howling at the table all taking turns quoting our favourite moments in the movie.  "Santa.  I KNOW him!!"  "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"  "We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns & syrup!"  "I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins!" 

When Steve shared his favourite part of the movie is when Buddy burps.  (I mean it's the longest, loudest burp EVER) and then Buddy looks around the dinner table and says, "Did you hear that?!"  I thought Michael was going to bust a gut.  That's his favourite part too and listening to Steve lead up to the big BELCHING moment - Michael was in stitches!

Enjoyed having all of our staff & their families over to celebrate Christmas with us.
We thought about showing them Elf too but then decided on a cute cartoon The Happy Elf instead because many of them do not speak much English.

Matt, Claudius and Happy
Everybody always takes off their shoes b4 entering the house.  Just make sure you leave with YOUR shoes! ;0)
Present Time!
Checking out their treasures

It was a lot of fun hosting our staff.  They do so much for us and it was nice to give them all a "break" and "serve" them for once!  We have been very blessed to have God put all of these people into our lives.

One of the special things we did for the kids this year was to take them to their favourite hotel, The Leela Palace, for a surprise Santa Breakfast.  We went with our friends, Katie & Derek and their two boys, Zach & Austin.  Katie brought the boys in their special Christmas jammies and I dressed our kids in Christmas coloured Indian outfits.

Arriving at the Leela

Don'tcha LOVE the pants!?!

Merry Christmas 2011
Waiting for their food

Who knew!?  Cloth napkins make GREAT elf hats!
Whistlin' Dixies
Nice HAT Rachel!

Cookie Decorating

David!  Good Decorating!!

Chef Michael
Erica is proud of her Christmas Confections!
A work of art!

Kids posing with the Leela Singers

Singing Christmas Carols Waiting for Santa

Here comes Santa Claus....Here comes Santa Claus...
Right Down Santa Claus Lane

Santa Climbing Down from his Sleigh

David showing Santa where to go.

David talking Santa's Ear Off!! ;0)
I'm surprised we didn't break the stage! 

One last snap of the whole gang!

The Fab Four Checkin' Out Santa's Rig
Good-Bye Leela Palace!
Tradition...Putting the train around the Christmas tree!
This year Claudius & Arttu were here to help!
Arttu's turn to be the engineer & drive the train!
A new tradition!?  It's a "Christmas Coconut!" 

I don't know if it was because the children were not constantly being exposed to advertisements on television for the latest "hot ticket" toy or gadget this season or what but this year the "want list" was extremely small.  (What a treat for their parents!)  One thing they all asked for was "a big wheel scooter."  Their Razor scooters that we bought them several Christmases ago have served us well over the years.  Many MANY countless hours of racing those things down our driveway back home in the US.  The children would go whipping down the driveway so fast that it was a wonder we never ended up having to take anyone to the ER.  Anyhow, this Christmas they all had their eyes fixed on an "Oxelo" scooter.  Similar to the Razor just a lot bigger, taller and more "substantial" feeling, if that makes sense?  In fact, I actually look normal...okay.  Only SOMEWHAT normal when I ride on one of the Oxelo scooters! ;0) 

I know this b/c on any given day you can go to a huge sports store called Decathlon and find all kind of sports equipment  AND!  You can try everything out!  I suggest NEVER going on a Saturday!  Its' a MAD HOUSE!  Men....women...children....(Not just ME!!)  EVERYONE will be flying around the store trying out store models of the latest scooters, skateboards, Rollerblades, bikes etc.  (Mind you - They do have helmets you are supposed to wear while you are trying out the equipment but that's a LICE episode waiting to happen, is it not!?!?!?!  ISH!!!)  I know, I know!  It's not good either way. Either you are taking a chance on bruising your brain or acquiring scratch inducing scalp bugs! Neither of which I want to experience!  (Moral of that story!?!  No matter how much fun EVERYONE else looks like they are having.  DO NOT DO IT!! - Avoid.  Yield not to temptation!  Under no circumstances do you test any of the wheeled devices.  It's dangerous I tell you.  Wery Wery dangerous (said in my best Indian accent!)  Turn away.  ABORT mission!  Okay!  Phew now that that is behind us!.....

So, one day while the kids were at school I snuckOxelo scooters and of course I rode around on all the toys like a kid at heart!  Shhhhh!   I know, I know.  I just gave that big lecture about NOT doing it!  What can I say...I'm a WILD CHILD!!  ;0)  Please don't tell Mommy!  Hehe!  It really was like being a kid...and as I whizzed around the store aisles (throwing caution to the wind)  I also had this strong sense of "Isn't this GRAND!?  I don't have to SHARE this stuff with anyone!!"  ;0) 

Once arriving back at home - I snuck all the scooters upstairs and stashed them in one of the bathroom showers!  Hehe!  They'd never think to look there!


Hey-Hoooo!  Erica doin' her happy dance! ;0)
Everyone needed new sneakers so we wrapped them up and gifted them for Christmas!

Lights to clip onto the front of their scooters.


Everybody got a waterproof-monogrammed pool bag.  (One of the local charities makes them.)
Christmas Dinner
Daddy's famous grilled pork-chops.  Cheesy Bean casserole, sliced apples & rice!
Erica & I are all ready to celebrate New Year's!
Tears on her shirt...

My poor, sweet and sensitive Erica.  This was by FAR her hardest Holiday which might seem a bit strange to some...New Year's?!  For the last 3-4 years we have had an ongoing tradition where we get together with 3 other families and have a huge party and sleep over - It's truly a highlight of the YEAR for our WHOLE family but Erica just couldn't get out of her "own way".  She'd be fine and then the next minute she'd come find me for a hug and she'd be bawling in my arms.  It was so pitiful.  I knew the sadness she was feeling - I felt it too - I just wasn't sobbing about it ;0)  It's hard when things you are used to are different.  I know she had a good time at our New Year's Eve party but she didn't forget her friends from home and isn't that how it's supposed to be afterall!?  "Make new friends but keep the Old ones...."  (As a side note when I first tried to sing that song to Erica upon moving here - I would CRY every time.)  So, ya know.  Like Mother-Like-Daughter....some of us are prone to tears aren't we?! 
I even found her crying in the PANTRY!!!

Uh oh!  Getting tired already!?

Michael & Rachel hanging with their buddy, Rose!

Hanging out by the coconut fire!


"Thank-You Toast" to our friends in the US that sent the kids their sparkling cider to ring in the New Year!

Fun on the Tramp
Coconuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Our Neighbors, Jeremy & Marzena
Putting another coconut in the fire!
Bowker & Jet
Happy NEW Year 2012

It's crazy looking back on 2011 (which seems like yesterday, does it not!?)  I never would have been able to guess that in one years time how vastly my day to day life would change!  I sometimes still have to pinch myself as it doesn't seem real that we are half away across the globe from friends and family & living in India.  But then the power surges or a goat runs across my path and I quickly snap back into reality b/c "Toto!  We're not in Kansas anymore!"  ;0)

Some days are amazing - Some are dreadful BUT it's all part of this adventure and "you take the good -  you take the bad - you take them both and there ya have...The Facts of Life"  (is anyone else humming that tune along with me?!  I used to LOVE that show!)  Anyhow!  That was a slight bunny trail - I am so grateful for new friends and acquaintances we have made since arriving here and certainly feel so fortunate to have such amazing friend and family at home too.  It really is true, you "make new friends - But keep the old ones!"  Love to all & Happy New Year!  Welcome 2012!