When you are in a land with gorgeous beaches how do you spend your last day of vacation!?....Why, on the BEACH of course!
Our Little Beach Bookworm!
Erica showing off one of her prized shells
Mikey has mastered "The Squat!"
The kids spent hours splashing and swimming in this area where the water was rapidly changing with the tide.
They swam back and forth....back and forth from shore to shore over and over again!
Time to Snorkel!
Cool Man Mike showing off his new pirate necklace
Lovin' The Sand In My Toes & The Sun On My Nose!
Lunchtime View....See what looks like a green tissue box on the table top? It actually houses a roll of toilet paper & that's what you are given to use as "napkins" during your meal.
My Little Surfer Girls are looking a little
worn & weathered! Haha!
Beautiful Thailand
BIG Buddha up on the hill
Our last big hurrah in Thailand was Matt and I decided that it just wouldn't be right to go all the way to Thailand and not have a "Thai Massage"....I know, I know! After our last massage experience I swore we'd never try again....well, a couple months later & the vivid memories aren't quite so vivid anymore....so we decided we'd see what the Thai version was like. Gotta say! VERY different! Very discreet. We put some comfy pajama things on (in private) & then we both laid down - Side by Side for our massage. My only complaint was that at points the massage is very intense. Forget BUNS of Steel these Thai women had HANDS of steel! WOW! I think a couple of times I might have whimpered in pain! Hahahah! But then there were parts that we sheer relaxing ecstasy....I was drifting in and out of sleep....flying with the pink unicorns in the fields of LaLa-Land...when all of the sudden! WA-BAM!!! The front door of the spa went flying open and I could hear the pitter patter of feet running down the hallway & then the little voice of Erica cried out, "MOM!? DAD!?!"....She swung open the door to our massage room and all the unicorns went flying away & vanished in an instant when she screeched, "David's PUKING!" Matt and I slowly sat up, lifted the room darkening masks from our eyes and then Matt made the most amazing parenting decision of our lives when he said, "Okay. Show him where the trash bucket is. We're almost done. We'll be up soon" and with that we laid back down and FINISHED our massage! Nice job, Sparky! No use spoiling a perfectly good massage by rushing out during the last 15 minutes! Our sick son will still be sick when we get back up to the room! ;0) In all actuality, he was fine. I think the "puke" might have been a bit of an exaggeration from a "sour burp" but with all of the recent stomach issues we had been having...when someone says they are going to puke or goes running for the bathroom - There tends to be a BIG reaction!!!
When we got back up to our room there were all kinds of stories the children wanted to relay. Everything from how their Room Service "chicken nuggets" were the BEST ever to how Michael was FLIPPING out when David starting puking!! So extensive was his "flipping out" that initially the girls thought that MICHAEL was the one that was sick in the bathroom. Hmmm.... Wonder if he learned a bit of that drama from his sisters?! Just sayin'. So after the family debriefing of what happened and how it happened and what happened to whom....It's safe to say that the relaxing effects of our massage wore off pretty quickly! But then again, you can't live in "vacation-mode" forever and to what extent David was puking or not puking well, we all needed a reality check anyhow as tomorrow morning we fly back to Singapore & then get in late, Late, LATE, L A T E to Bangalore. xo |
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