This morning while I was getting showered, dressed and ready for the day there was this God awful burning plastic smell. Well! Unfortunately, this is not an abnormal smell to come wafting through your nostrils when you are in India. Nearly everything and I do mean EVERYTHING gets burned in the streets of India. Unfortunately, you smell a lot of bad burning smells in India :0/ So, although, I was thinking, "Oh, Gosh! That smells horrid." That was about as far as my little brain went. No more. No less.
That was until I walked down the stairs and the smell just kept getting worse and worse and worse (you get the idea!) So, then like a hound dog hot on the trail - I had my sniffer to the ground and was going to find the source of this smelly stench. I didn't have to go far! This week I put up my Christmas decorations and to say that my Christmas lights have been a little bit of a "pain in the rear" is the understatement of the year! (I love it when I rhyme!) Anyhoo! Literally, for three consecutive nights when Matt has come home the tree has been black as sin. Not a single twinkle light aglow and he removes his shoes and sits down next to the tree with tools in tow and changes microscopic fuses and somehow, everytime he magically gets the lights glowing again!! (I love being married to Mr. Fixit!)
Since blown fuses have become a daily occurrence we decided that something needed to change. SO! Last night, Mr. Fixit and I separated the strings of lights so that half the tree would be plugged into one source and the other half into another. Well, wouldn't you know it! It worked like a charm! No blown fuses! We enjoyed having the tree lit up all evening and again at breakfast today before the kids left for school and then.....dun dun dun.....
As I said, when I was up getting myself ready for the day and started to think, "Gahhhh! Man that smells so bad!"....that is when I went downstairs and discovered that my tree was once again BLACK! No sparkly lights greeted me as I walked into the living room just a dark, drab and sad looking fir tree. AND! That's when my eyes were drawn to the floor where there was a strange looking orange stain on the floor. Ah ha!!!! It wasn't just a bizarre blemish on the floor it was the source of the STANK!!! Just like the Wicked Witch of the West, my electricity converter was
M E L T I N G!! It was burning! It was STINKING!!! Oh for Heaven's Sake! THIS is why my whole house was smelling like a big 'ole pile of putrid plastic! Argghhhhh!
Oy Stinkin' Vey! What a nightmare! I'm back to square one. I don't think I will have Mr. Fixit do anymore work on these idiotic strings of lights. I suspect what I have known for quite sometime now is that we are in fact, distant relatives to Clark W. Griswold and that's why we have so many complications with "lighting things up" on Christmas!

So, I am on a new quest or maybe it's more like a raging WAR of me versus these Christmas lights. Never fear! I shall be victorious. I WILL light that tree and it WILL stay lit or....or...or....Well, I don't know. It just WILL, okay!!! Bah Hum Bug!
That was until I walked down the stairs and the smell just kept getting worse and worse and worse (you get the idea!) So, then like a hound dog hot on the trail - I had my sniffer to the ground and was going to find the source of this smelly stench. I didn't have to go far! This week I put up my Christmas decorations and to say that my Christmas lights have been a little bit of a "pain in the rear" is the understatement of the year! (I love it when I rhyme!) Anyhoo! Literally, for three consecutive nights when Matt has come home the tree has been black as sin. Not a single twinkle light aglow and he removes his shoes and sits down next to the tree with tools in tow and changes microscopic fuses and somehow, everytime he magically gets the lights glowing again!! (I love being married to Mr. Fixit!)
Since blown fuses have become a daily occurrence we decided that something needed to change. SO! Last night, Mr. Fixit and I separated the strings of lights so that half the tree would be plugged into one source and the other half into another. Well, wouldn't you know it! It worked like a charm! No blown fuses! We enjoyed having the tree lit up all evening and again at breakfast today before the kids left for school and then.....dun dun dun.....
As I said, when I was up getting myself ready for the day and started to think, "Gahhhh! Man that smells so bad!"....that is when I went downstairs and discovered that my tree was once again BLACK! No sparkly lights greeted me as I walked into the living room just a dark, drab and sad looking fir tree. AND! That's when my eyes were drawn to the floor where there was a strange looking orange stain on the floor. Ah ha!!!! It wasn't just a bizarre blemish on the floor it was the source of the STANK!!! Just like the Wicked Witch of the West, my electricity converter was
M E L T I N G!! It was burning! It was STINKING!!! Oh for Heaven's Sake! THIS is why my whole house was smelling like a big 'ole pile of putrid plastic! Argghhhhh!
Oy Stinkin' Vey! What a nightmare! I'm back to square one. I don't think I will have Mr. Fixit do anymore work on these idiotic strings of lights. I suspect what I have known for quite sometime now is that we are in fact, distant relatives to Clark W. Griswold and that's why we have so many complications with "lighting things up" on Christmas!
So, I am on a new quest or maybe it's more like a raging WAR of me versus these Christmas lights. Never fear! I shall be victorious. I WILL light that tree and it WILL stay lit or....or...or....Well, I don't know. It just WILL, okay!!! Bah Hum Bug!
ACK! Proof of my stinky - flamin' Floor!
The kids love making up their own lyrics to their favorite songs. Of course, right now we are listening to a lot of Christmas songs so one of their current favorite creation is to the tune of "Last Christmas I gave you my Heart - But the very next day you gave it away...." They have turned it into "Last Christmas I ripped a juicy fart - But the very next day the smell went away." NICE, right?! They are soooOoooO their Father's children! ;0) I, on the otherhand am singing my own version of, "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!" I will now be singing, "The floor, the floor, floor is on fire!"
Argh! Stay tuned. This battle isn't over! ;0) I gotta get this tree lit!
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