So, I know you've heard the statement, "Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh my!" Although, at times, living in India can feel like some sort of "Oz-like" dream, we would have to change that chant to, "Scorpions, Cobras and Leopards....Oh my!" The latest CRAZZZZYYYYY thing that is going on in our world is that there have been multiple potential sightings of a leopard in the area. When our friend told us, "Guys! I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think I just saw a leopard!" truthfully, we did think it sounded a bit crazy UNTIL we saw the newspaper the next day that confirmed there have been other possible sightings in the area of a leopard! Even the villagers are frightened! Read the article below for all the scoop on our local leopard who might be lurking around the corner!§id=1&contentid=20121208201212080650438394aa0b65b
I used to just come inside around dusk to avoid the mosquitoes but now we'll add "avoid being attacked by a leopard" to that list as well! Currently, our mosquito situation is out of control! We still have the "Mosquito Man" that comes around with a leaf-blower-esque contraption that sprays the mosquito killing fog off the back of his bicycle (you might remember I referenced him in a prior post) but for some reason we are being overtaken by these blood sucking insects! When I walk out my front door there are literally HUNDREDS (I'm not even exaggerating...wish I was!) of mosquitoes hanging out on the walls and the roof above me!
THEY ARE INSANE! We have malaria in India but I have not come into contact with anyone in Bangalore that has actually had malaria. There have been a lot of cases recently of dengue fever in Bangalore. Some people call it "breakbone fever" because of the intense joint and muscle pain that often accompanies dengue. I had a friend tell me that the mosquitoes that bite during the day are the the dengue mosquitoes and the ones that bite during the night are the malaria mosquitoes. Not sure if that's true or not but found it interesting nonetheless.
Our weather is starting to get colder but unlike the US we will not have a frost so there is no hope of that "first frost" to do its lethal job. My friend, Glynns, took the picture below in her yard of a tennis ball that was covered in mosquitoes! ACK!
Freaky Beasts!!!§id=1&contentid=20121208201212080650438394aa0b65b
I used to just come inside around dusk to avoid the mosquitoes but now we'll add "avoid being attacked by a leopard" to that list as well! Currently, our mosquito situation is out of control! We still have the "Mosquito Man" that comes around with a leaf-blower-esque contraption that sprays the mosquito killing fog off the back of his bicycle (you might remember I referenced him in a prior post) but for some reason we are being overtaken by these blood sucking insects! When I walk out my front door there are literally HUNDREDS (I'm not even exaggerating...wish I was!) of mosquitoes hanging out on the walls and the roof above me!
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EW!!! Yes! Those are ALL mosquitoes!! |
Our weather is starting to get colder but unlike the US we will not have a frost so there is no hope of that "first frost" to do its lethal job. My friend, Glynns, took the picture below in her yard of a tennis ball that was covered in mosquitoes! ACK!
Freaky Beasts!!!
Maybe because the tennis ball is nice and furry it's like a little "Buggy Blanket" for the mosquitoes now that it's getting colder out!?
When you see the haze - You know the Mosquito Man is in the area!
Didn't walk fast enough & got caught in the Mosquito Man's "FOG!" Arghh! It smells so bad!!
Faster than a speeding bullet...It's the Mosquito Man! (Too bad that car got in the way of my photo!!)
There he goes in a fog of glory! ;0)
Oh noooOooo! The Mosquito Man caught us in the middle of our dinner! TAKE COVER!!
Never Fear! Matt figured out a way to hide from the Mosquito Man and continue eating! :0)
All I know is that I will continue to follow my current protocol which has always been to stay inside when dusk is approaching. Now it will serve a twofold purpose, avoid mosquito bites that could potentially make me very ill and elude a concealed cat! I am glad the Mosquito Man will also continue to actively pursue the mosquitoes and attempt to slay them with his toxic insect exhaust!! Maybe the forest department can do something about our little kitty cat problem too!? :0)
I posted around Prestige Ozone about the PM sightings! And the article. Can't believe I walked home from PM to PO at 1:30 in the morning Saturday night!! The leopard couldn't have gotten me though cause I was doing a lazy zig zag down the sidewalk...ha, ha! I was with others so I'm not totally stupid! We've changed mosquito vendors three times at PO. Now it's a combination of people walking with the fog machines. It goes at a slower, more intense pace I guess. And once a week people come around your house and spray in the corners and everywhere. That stink is WAY worse and probably WAY more toxic! But the population has gone down. I know 2 gals who got Dengue and they said it was horrible! BUT...Dengue mosquitos grow indoors. They like very clean water. Wipe down the bathrooms and kitchen all the time. Seriously. They will bite anytime as long as there is light out or lights on inside. The kind that carry Dengue must first bite someone else with Dengue and then bite you. They have to have the illness inside them first. I think if I keep enough alcohol in me then any illnesses entering my bloodstream will just disintegrate, right? Champagne party tonight. This expat life is killing me.... ;-)