Monday 9 April 2012

Hi Ho...Hi Ho...It's off to work we go!

Day Four was anything but a bore!  Matt and I decided that Jamma and Pop-Pop should experience the drive he takes into the office everyday.  The roads are insanely BAD - If you can make it to the office without getting car sick - It's a miracle (and this is coming from the gal who doesn't get car sick!) 

Thankfully, we all arrived without needing to use the motion sickness bag.  We drank a cup of cappuccino with Matt before bidding him farewell for the day & then Pop-Pop, Jamma and I were off to Commercial Street to do some serious shopping!

At Matt's office I spotted this sign and out of sheer spite - I think people have spat on the "Don't Spit Here" sign!?!?!  Hahaha!

Welcome to Commercial Street!!!
A Bangalore Shopping Mecca - Get ready to haggle!

 Chances are whatever you are looking for - You can find it on Commercial Street!  It's just a matter of how many shops you have to go into and how far into the recesses you are willing to dig?!

Big wrists...Little wrists...Sparkly...Smooth...
We have BANGLES to suit you!!

Maybe Pop-Pop will be able to help make the final decision?!

PHEW!!!!  I was wondering when the next shipment of toilet paper was going to be arriving!!  Never fear - This man on his mighty mo-ped will deliver it..."tomorrow." ;0)

Whenever you inquire about when something will be ready or how long it will take or when should you be expecting it...without fail they will give you the answer, "Tomorrow."  Yep.  Not today.  It's never today - Always "tomorrow".  Which in reality is their way of saying, "I really have no idea but I don't want to disappoint you or upset you and since I can't do it now or get it for you now...."Tomorrow!"  ;0)
Who's ready for dinner?!
Jamma & Pop-Pop in their new Indian outfits from our day of shopping!
We all got into the Indian theme of things for the evening!

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