Thursday 26 July 2012

A day at The Market

These photos were taken before heading home to the US for the summer but it was one of my favorite days during my first year of living in India  & I thought you might like to see a busy street in India - Up close & personal!

I had the privilege of going to the City Market (KR Market) along with Katie and a few other friends and a wonderful photography guru named, Hema.  She showed me things that my camera does/did that I never knew before!  What a busy & great day of interacting with the beautiful people of India.  I hope you will enjoy my shots & attempts at being creative with my camera!  xo

Getting ready to go inside the market...
 Hair For-Sale!
Oh yes it is! Try to catch Chris Rock's documentary on "Weaves". It's sooo interesting! India is the leading exporter of human hair to be used for weaves. First stop with their suitcase of hair from India?!...The Bronx. No joke. Super interesting. Ya gotta watch it!
Times of India?  Yep.  He's got it!
Spice up Your Life!
Although I asked him if I could take his picture...I'm not so sure he's convinced it was a very good idea?!

Care to sample a samosa?!
Oh the things you could put in that basket, aye?!
S P I C Y!

Pretty Little Princess
Couldn't get enough of this guy...
Wish I could read his mind...
A+ for presentation!
Lotsa Pretty Powder
The Person Preparing the Powder
Powder Everywhere!
I was a bit obsessed with the powder!! Haha!
Shucks!  I can't remember the name of this plant :/
Mangos!  My Fav!
How cute is he?!
Wanted me to take a picture of the back of his hair too.  Can you blame him!?  He's one Cool Cat!!
Pomegranate.  Matt's Fav!
 Love the Smile!
Beep Beep!  Comin' Through!
Ladies Fingers if you are from India.  Okra if you live in the USA.
My favorite picture of the day. 
She kept saying she didn't want her picture taken & then when she finally decided it was okay & I told her how beautiful she was she smiled and smiled and shook her head in disbelief.
Protective Poochie!
Bananas Anyone?!
Sweet Little Girl. 
Followed us the whole time we were at The Market.
Her sari matches her vegetables!  I LOVE IT!
Service for 10?  No problem!  :0)
Seriously.  I love Old People!
Who am I kidding?!  I love ALL people!  How sweet is she?!
Gorgeous.  Both of them!
Love all the YELLOW!
It's Hard Work!
When I asked him to take his picture...on cue...He put his cigarette into his mouth!  lol!
Why so serious!?
Haha!  That's more like it!  ;0)
Sleep.  Whenever & Wherever you can!
You climb these stairs to enter the flower market
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!

Aw!  Picked this one just for you!
Check out all those little buds!  Craziness!
Kinda like we string popcorn & cranberries at Christmas - They string together flower buds.
Flower Stringing

Buds in a bowl

How fast is she?!
 Bird's Eye View of the Flower Frenzy!
Busy at Work


 Arrrr!!!  MORE POWER!!
Wow!  That's a lot of recycled rubber!

Tool Time
 Trying to learn the "Nuts & Bolts" of photography
Although I felt like I learned a lot, many of my indoor pictures did not turn out well.  I think I need some more lessons on how to adjust the "light" setting!?  So even though some of the picture quality is poor - I still think you can get a sense of the magnitude and unique experience I had visiting The City Market.

 Paul Bunyan sized bowls that are used for serving large groups of people (like the military)
You know the old Drifters song, "Up on the Roof"?  I don't know that it's anymore peaceful up on the roof but it definitely is a whole new view of what's going on in the busy streets below.

 Cow Cleansing (see the lady catching pee in her hands?!)
This woman, upon seeing this cow going pee, went running up to it, cupped her hands to catch some of the pee in her hands and then she splashed her face with it (just like in the Neutrogena commercial where the beautiful women is splashing refreshing tap water onto her freshly exfoliated skin).  She then proceeded to flick the remaining pee that was still on her hands onto the ladies sitting on the ground.  This did not even phase the womEn.  I could not understand why the woman would splash her skin in pee and then do it to everyone around her as well?!  Due to my intense curiousity of the whole situation, Hema approached the woman and told her I wanted to know why she did that?!  Apparently, it is considered "good luck" to be able to obtain cow pee and by washing in it and flicking some onto her friends they are "pardoned" some of the sins/wrong doings they have committed in their life.

Loadin' Up
The Trash and The Times
 I bet he could have put that last bin on top of his head if he wanted to.

We found "The John" for the Gents
Loo for the Ladies
Love the presentation

Busy Busy BUSY place! 

I am already looking forward to going back to The Market.  I absolutely LOVED being in the crazy-mix-of-it-all. :0)  Hope you liked it too :0)

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