Do you know that song? I'm Blue da ba dee....
This is my mood today & that song keeps popping into my head. I pretty much feel like my life is a musical! My brain just goes from one song to the next. You have no idea how much I would LOVE to just randomly breakout in song throughout the course of my day - But not just me alone, mind you! Bystanders as well - ALL TOGETHER NOW......SING!!! (Dance too if you're so inclined!)
So now what!? As you can see, I have a dilemma on my hands. I wasn't able to discern if my allergies will give me troubles or not because these guys were so little they didn't have enough hair to keep themselves warm let alone send me into sneezing-spasms! Erica is convinced the kitten is a girl; while Rachel insists she ONLY wants a BOY cat?! I mean really!? How exactly do you determine if a kitten is male or female (actually, I probably don't want anyone to answer that question!) The kids have chosen SEVERAL names. Since Erica is convinced it's a girl she hasn't wasted much of her time pondering "boy" names. She's got one and ONLY one boy name....Drum roll please....dundadaddah!......Kumar! Hahahha! (I actually LOVE it!) Gotta nice ring to it...Kumar the Cat! Meanwhile, the girl name list seems to be endless! Everything from Prathiba to Sparkles! I think their top choice right now is Bindi!!
Rachel & Erica used to love watching Steve Erwin's daughter, Bindi, on television. Erica has changed the little tagline jingle, "Bindi the Jungle Girl" to "Bindi the Jungle Cat"! She loves to sing it and thinks she's so clever! ;0)
I had suggested Indy b/c the kitten was born at the Indus School but the children couldn't get past "Indy" being Indiana Jones and since "most" of them are so anti-male-cat....Indy was quickly scratched off the list.
This is my mood today & that song keeps popping into my head. I pretty much feel like my life is a musical! My brain just goes from one song to the next. You have no idea how much I would LOVE to just randomly breakout in song throughout the course of my day - But not just me alone, mind you! Bystanders as well - ALL TOGETHER NOW......SING!!! (Dance too if you're so inclined!)
You know!? Something like this?!
I LOVE the movie Enchanted!
In this clip, Giselle, just randomly breaks out in song. The way IT SHOULD BE!!! ;0)
I also am secretly hoping that you all get this song stuck in your head ALL DAY LONG and can't get rid of it! I shouldn't have to be the ONLY one singing it!
Another random side note (because that's how I roll!) my friend, Toni, just organized a Flash Mob at Faneuil Hall in Boston last week! Another thing I MUST DO at some point in my life. I'm destined to be a flash mobber! Most of these gals (if not all) are from the South Shore and a lot of them are my Zumba pals from home. (Toni is an instructor). Anyhow, check them out. Toni did this as a birthday surprise for her friend, Ali. HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?! I mean really!? How many friends do you have that would organize a Flash Mob for you!? A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!! (My birthday is January 15th if anybody wants to start organizing/practicing!? hahaha!)
Wow! I am so ADD! My comment "I'm Blue" really got me sidetracked from the true reason for this post. The long and the short of it - I'm feeling "Blue da ba dee" today :/ It happens to the best of us. Instead of dwelling on the good in my life - I'm just feeling a little down.
I know partly it's because one of my children was more of a Hellian than a Cherub this morning and instead of rising above the situation - I stooped to her level. Always so proud of myself when I act like a nine year old instead of acting like the Mother. Epic Fail this a.m. Anyhow, the last time I was in the dumper like this it stemmed from missing my dog, Charlie. What's the matter with me?! It's all his fault - I love that dumb dog so much and I find myself feeling on the verge of a teary meltdown every time I think of him. I tell ya what, I know what's brought it on this time....CATS!! Well, kittens to be exact.
I know partly it's because one of my children was more of a Hellian than a Cherub this morning and instead of rising above the situation - I stooped to her level. Always so proud of myself when I act like a nine year old instead of acting like the Mother. Epic Fail this a.m. Anyhow, the last time I was in the dumper like this it stemmed from missing my dog, Charlie. What's the matter with me?! It's all his fault - I love that dumb dog so much and I find myself feeling on the verge of a teary meltdown every time I think of him. I tell ya what, I know what's brought it on this time....CATS!! Well, kittens to be exact.
If you are a cat may want to stop reading this as I am surely going to make enemies with the words to follow. I HATE CATS! There. I said it. I just do. They are sneaky, scratchy, randomly psychotic critters and I hate them! (I promise not to be so harsh towards cats if you want to stick with me from here on out!) So here's the dealie-o. A cat had kittens in one of the classrooms at the kids school. Three, actually. Well, wouldn't you know it....Erica comes home and tells me that she can HAVE one of the kittens. She just needs a slip that says, "I have permission to keep a kitten" signed by moi and a box to bring the kitten home on the bus in. "WHOA WHOA WHOA! Back up sister! What do you mean?! Surely, if there are 3 kittens in a school of hundreds of children how come you get to keep one!? How can this be fair to the other children?! Exactly how does one feed and take care of a newborn kitten? I don't want it croaking on my watch!"
Long story, shorter version. Erica has been helping Miss Monita with the kittens since they were born. She asked if she could have one and well, pretty much like she said, "If we give her permission and a box".... We are cat owners! ACK! Oh, Sweet Jesus. Take me now.
I tried explaining to Erica that I have allergies to cats (which is true!) but somehow I still got talked into going to the school to "meet" the kittens and see if my allergies bothered me. What I didn't expect was to see ALL FOUR of my children in the office helping Miss Monita take care of these cats. The kids are smitten! They have picked out which one is "ours" (apparently the other two are already spoken for as well). Meanwhile, my loyalties lie with Charlie. Char-Low. Charbar. Charchie. March. Charmar. Charlie-Barley. The Charmister. (Do you want me to keep going?! I've got a million nicknames for him.) I keep thinking if he were here this wouldn't even be an issue. If they had asked to bring a kitten home it would have been so simple to say, "NOOOOO!" "Charlie will eat it!?" I realize I should be able to tell my kids, "Listen here. I've got allergies and if I can't breath...well, ya DIE!" ;0) Well, see for's not as easy to say "No" as I thought it would be.
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Erica with "The Chosen One!" |
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All four of the kids lovin' on the kittens.
Michael was trying to manage two kitties at the same time - It was proving to be a little more difficult than he had thought. Looks like David and his kitty are playing peek-a-boo!? Haha!
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Rachel was so happy to be taking care of these babies. |
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I know! I know! I NEVER should have held it. It started to melt my stone cold cat heart! :/ It was the cutest-most hideous thing I've ever seen!! |
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This is a Bindi |
CRIKEY! This is ALSO a Bindi!
Bindi Erwin!
I had suggested Indy b/c the kitten was born at the Indus School but the children couldn't get past "Indy" being Indiana Jones and since "most" of them are so anti-male-cat....Indy was quickly scratched off the list.
So what am I to do!? I mean, this kitten is going to destroy my house, isn't it!? Don't even talk to me about litter boxes. Ish. What do I do with that!? Oh dear and then - I go back to BLUE. I'm Blue without my Charlie. Regardless of how this may or may not end - Know this - I will ALWAYS be a dog person. I do NOT want a cat. I will always detest them BUT!!! I love my kids soooo much and I know this would mean a lot to them....I'm torn. Oh Charlie - I wish you were here and then this "problem" would just dissolve! Always a dog lover and MAYBE I could be convinced to condone this Cat :/ Sooooo!!! We shall see! :/ Thoughts?! Is it too much to hope for that this story could have a happy ending!?!?!
Ewww...stay strong and RESIST! I hate cats! Even as kittens they look like rats.
ReplyDeleteHey, the kids have to learn at some point they can't have everything, right?! Life is full of disappointments. And let's be honest, a cat is one big disappointment.
I am not a big "cat" person myself (more of a dog and fish/turtle person). Does the cat need to be inside?! I am allergic to cats as well but grew up with outdoor cats which didn't really bother me too much.
ReplyDeleteI would have a hard time in your situation as well. Praying you get through this "blue" kind of day. Wish I could teleport Charlie over to say hi for a few days here and there for you....the pets really do become such a big part of the family.
I too am not a cat lover but how about India that way you can call it Indy if it turns out to be a male.