Matt took the day off of work on Friday so we could do some shopping together. Although I don't have to dress like the locals - I was just "in the mood".
We stopped in a local rug shop. Come to find out, former US President Bill Clinton had purchased rugs from their shop. Of course, they had photos up all over the store of their "famous USA customer". I tell ya what! The rug salesmen here are GOOD! I don't know how we walked away without purchasing something. If Matt hadn't been there - I know I NEVER would have been able to say "No" to them. More than likely, we will go back to the US with some pretty silk or wool Indian rugs but we weren't ready to purchase anything on that day.
Matt sipping his tea at the rug shop. (It was delicious by the way!)
Hands down the highlight of our day was our trip to the Mantri Mall. We were able to check all sorts of things off our "List". We shopped in this one "Macy's" type store where we were able to get all sorts of home goods that we needed. We filled our cart full of treasures. (Here they call it a trolley, in NE they call it a carriage, when I lived in the south people called it a buggy....who knew there were so many words for the same item?! A cart is what I grew up calling it in MN.) Anyhow. At one point the inevitable happened (I mean we were gone all day)....NATURE CALLED! Believe you me - You avoid using public Indian bathrooms at all cost. You NEVER know what the conditions will be and I have quickly learned to carry my own toilet tissue in my pocketbook & hand sanitizer b/c you may find a bathroom but chances are they won't supply you with any butt cleaning materials & soap? Fagettaboutit. Well, other than a 'shower' nozzle, that is! (GRODY!!) It's an ADVENTURE, I tell ya! ;0)
So Matt went one direction to the men's facilities and I went the other to investigate the ladies laboratories. Matt actually ended up calling into the bathroom to me to make sure I was okay. When I came out he said, "What were you doing in there?! You dropped a deuce didn't you!?" Nooooo! I most certainly did NOT! I was taking pictures!!!!! ;0) hahahah! I would have taken more but I know the Indian women that were in the bathroom were already wondering what I was doing in that stall. When I came out to wash my hands there was a sign on the mirror that read, "Hand washing only. No hair washing." Geesh! I'm so glad they told me - I was TOTALLY planning to wash my hair there! EWWWWW!!! Anyhow! In case you are all unclear about how to properly use a toilet - Here is a little Indian Toilet Etiquette for a Monday morning! :0) Enjoy! (I think I'm going to frame it and hang it up in one of the bathrooms...I have six of them for Heaven's Sake!)   Up close of Line #1. SERIOUSLY! How many of you are sitting on TOP of the closet?! Hahahaha! You dirty little birds! Knock it off!!!!
My biggest question here is if you are giving men advice about putting up the toilet seat when they pee etc...then why does their cartoon visual aide have BOOBIES?!?! hahahaha!
This is the most disgusting one in my opinion because they do have what resembles a shower nozzle next to most toilets which apparently they call 'the jet'. GROSS GROSS GROSS! If the floor is wet when you open the stall door you can only assume someone has been using the jet - Then your mind starts racing...Did they just wash their 'business' on the floor?!?! Did they stand on top of the closet?! OH DEAR, GOD! I don't want to know & I hate to say, "I told you so!" BUT all of these reasons are exactly why you avoid public restrooms in India unless your only alternative is to take a crap in your handbag (which I heard happened to a poor woman who was experiencing a severe case of Dehli Belly!!!) Seem to recall a popular bumper sticker from my youth. You know the one.....??????
$hi+ Happens!! Praying NOT to me ;0) |
Do they have the stalls that are just a hole in the floor? I refused to use those in Turkey! I mean, really! How does a female use one of those?!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! No one does bathrooms like Americans. Unfortunately.
Wow! I guess you just have to make sure you don't eat or drink within a few hours of going out so you can make it back to the house before the next pit stop! Thankfully your kids are older, I couldn't imagine taking kids that were in the potty training stage to those public restrooms.
ReplyDeletemaybe i should print some of those out for the boys, the ones about raising the seat before peeing! LOL I can't believe some of those. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! HAHAHAH!!