Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mikey Turns SEVEN!!!

Michael's teachers & classmates singing to him
Unlike the US, allergies are not a big problem in India so I was able to bring in cupcakes for Michael to share with all of his friends on his birthday!
Michael & Ms. Lumina passing out the cupcakes
Happy Birthday Little Buddy!
Rupees to buy a new bike!
A remote control car from Claudius (Michael's favorite gift!)
Make a wish!
This year we had a lot of discussion over what type of "Friend" party Michael would have.  We finally decided to invite friends to go Bowling!!!

The Gang's All Here!
Presents & Cupcakes....Ahhh!  The life! 
Mikey's a "Frosting Guy" ;0)
Everyone waiting for their drink
Cesar & Ayush
Elise & Erica - Best Buddies!
Mikey's BFF - Arttu
Jacob, Wills & Gregoire
 Aditi, Erica & Elise
Too bad he didn't have any FUN at his party! ;0)

"Oh Darlin' Don't You Ever Grow Up..."

AW!  Two of my Best Guys!
Happy Birthday Michael!  We love you to pieces!  Always stay a sweet, kind & funny soul!  God made you extra special!!  xxoo

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Headed Back to Bangalore

Today is flying day.  We leave Dubai and head back to Bangalore.  Geesh!  It turned out to be a crazy morning when I logged onto my computer to use "on-line check in" and realized that we had already MISSED our flight!  ACK!  I thought I was used to the 2400 time system and apparently I am not b/c when my brain read 3:00 I thought AFTERNOON!!  In reality, 3:00 can only mean ONE thing here....3:00 AM!!  ACK ACK ACK!  It wasn't a 1500 flight it was a 3:00 bright-n-early-n-the-stinkin-mornin flight!  ARGHHH! 

Needless to say, the whole family kicked it into turbo-mode and we were able to make a noontime flight!  PHEW!  Guess who was on our plane....The Utting Family!  Hehehe!  We ran into them all over Dubai!  I think next time we should just actually "plan" a vacation together instead of randomly just bumping into one another all the time!?  (Vanessa....whattya say!?  Haha!)
We made it on-time AND with time to spare!  PHEW!

Gotta make one more stop at the "Duty Free" shopping section
Checkin' out the fishies
Matt accidentally went FLYING into the prayer room thinking it was the bathroom!  (The shoes outside the door will be a "clue" next time!)
Erica (self portrait) of her in flight drink.  Hehe!
(Another portrait courtesy of Erica.) 
All of the kids got these little beanie baby birds that you could dress up in little costumes....Kept them BUSY for a
good long while! 
Thank You Emirates Airlines!!
Movie Selections Have Been Made...
Next Stop....Bangalore!!

Yep.  We're Back.  Gotta love the "Pay & Use Toilet"

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Final Day in Dubai

This is kind of embarrassing because I don't know where we were in this post!  Haha!  One of Matt's colleagues brother in laws lives in Dubai and we linked up with him for some sites in Dubai and lunch; however, it was his pick and so we just went along for the ride! :0)

We had a lovely lunch/brunch at a Thai restaurant and then we took a water bus to Old Dubai and did some shopping.  Finished our day off at our hotel with a bbq dinner on the beach.

Posing at the restaurant
Outside the mall after lunch.
Our Posing Princess! :0)
 Watching the boat activity
Lots of activity in the water
Thank You So Much for your kindness and hospitality
to our family!
Shocking....I'm being a big dork as I'm getting ready to get on the Dubai Waterbus!

Taking in the sites
Busy Docks

The Abra is a great way for the locals to get around Dubai.  It's also about the ONLY inexpensive thing for a tourist to
do in Dubai :0)
Busy Shopping Market
All sorts of treasures and trinkets!
Everybody LOVED David & they kept dressing
him up like the locals!
What about this one, Mom?!
Now everybody is getting into the Arab Action!
A little variation from the first head wrap & still
lookin' as cute as ever! ;0)
Lots of abras docked & ready to transport
people to the otherside.
Rachel & Erica's purchase from the afternoon of shopping?!....Coin skirts!
Time for a bbq dinner on the beach
Hotel Pool at night
Our dinner entertainment!
Future Architects?!
We seem to pack as much as we can into our days.  Gotta make the most of your time, right?!  Dubai was certainly a fantastic trip & tomorrow we head back to Bangalore!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Desert Safari in Dubai

One of our absolute favorite things we did in Dubai was the Desert Safari.  We took about an hour long car ride out to the desert.  While looking out the window of the car one of the kids said, "Wow!  It looks like we're in a real desert!"  to which Matt and I replied, "That's because you ARE in a REAL desert!"  ;0)  Growing up in the Midwest it was common on family vacations to play what we simply referred to as the "Cow Game".  My sister, Emily, and I would look out the window on our side of the car and count cows.  Surprisingly, this game was played long and often!  When my kids ask "Are we There Yet?"....I have turned into that "Old Parent" that says, "When I was a kid..."  Then I follow it up with some "boring" story about how I didn't have a DVD player to watch or ds® games to play, I played the "Cow Game" or the "Alphabet Game".  You started at the letter "A" and the game ended when you reached "Z".  We looked for signs along the roadside that had a letter "A" in it and then we would move on alphabetically searching for each letter of the alphabet on the surrounding signage. 

We also had an ongoing list of all the license plates that we spotted from different states.  Seriously!   Am I OLD or what!?!  (Chances are if you are reading this and only means one thing...YOU ARE OLD TOO!!!   HAHAHA!)

It's true though isn't it?  Growing up, I didn't wear a seat belt (only occasionally), and when I was tired I climbed into the back window of the car and spread out like a big fat cat soaking up the suns rays that were pouring in on my tired travelling toushie or if it was a REALLY long trip chances are my parents had taken the middle seats completely out of the car so we could lay down on the floor.  I didn't have an ipod® or an itouch® - I listened to the same music my parents were listening to....on a cassette tape that I may or may not have recorded some of the songs "live" off the radio simply by hitting the record button on the stereo in our living room.  :0) 

So when we were driving through the desert of Dubai, without having to be the "Old Lady" and share the archaic stories of my youth with my children they were playing their own version of the "Cow Game" but instead of cows out the window they were counting CAMELS!  How crazy is that?!
Here comes our desert SUV!
They met us in our taxi and we quickly piled into the SUV and then we were off for the CRAZIEST car ride of our life!  DUNE BASHING!  It was like riding on a roller coaster except that you were in a car and you had no track to keep your car in line.  There was no bar that came down over your lap but you can bet your bottom dollar we all BUCKLED UP!  A quick glance upward and you saw that the vehicle was equipped with metal roll bars (although I would like to think they don't actually roll the vehicles all that often?!)  The sand was our track and the ride was INSANE!!  Skidding.  Sliding.  Dropping.  Climbing.  Flying.  Plunging.  Clenching..... Holding on for Dear Life!!!
LIVE footage of the crazy ride!
The setting for our desert rollercoaster ride ;0)

Up and Over!!
YAY!  Dubai Desert 2012
We are definitely NOT in Boston!
The Fab Four!
Girl Talk
A Mamma Camel & her Baby and then along come Our Babies :0)
Camel Ride!!! 
Hold On Tight, Girls!  We're goin' UPPPP!!!!
So fun!
Lovin' It!
So glad they have each other
Time for a little "dune bashing" of our own!
All together now....1, 2, 3!!!!
Almost time for dinner
Ready to eat!
Yummy Yummy in David's Tummy!

The live entertainment at dinner
This guy, yes, you read correctly, this GUY had an elaborate costume and he did all kinds of tricks while he turned around in circles.  No kidding, he must of twirled around in a circle for at least 5-6 minutes.  CRAZINESS!!  AND!  He walked a straight line off the stage!  :0)
More Twirling
Next comes the belly dancer!
Michael & Rachel got chosen from the crowd to dance with her

Michael & Rachel's belly dancing debut!

If the entertainment doesn't "WOW" ya....well then, the desert is every little boys sandbox dream! :0)
Uh oh!  Daddy got picked from the crowd too!  She tied up his shirt so that he could officially be a "belly dancer" too!
Yay!  Daddy!   Shake it!!
Shakin' His Tail Feathers!
Although he was embarrassed, he covered it well and just SHOOK it!  The guy before him really let the crowd down and just stood there & refused to do anything but clap.  So, Matt gave the people what they wanted...A good show! :0)

Lastly, I will share one more short video b/c I absolutely love the sound of Rachel and Erica laughing in the background at their silly Daddy! :0)
Matt ending the night with his final shimmy & shake!