Well, no school today. "Why" you ask?! We have a lot of Holidays here in India that we do not celebrate in the US. Today was something called "Holi". In short, Holi means "Celebration of Colors" and it signifies the start of Spring. India doesn't mess around with color. They have got it mastered!! The colors here are so amazing. I mean when you see something purple, whether it be someones house or someones sari - It's the most amazing - Kick your pants, shock your socks off and wow-your-eyes purple you've ever seen in your life! It's hard to explain so I guess you all just need to come and visit so you can see what I mean! ;0) SO! It's no surprise that a country with such amazing colors would have a holiday to celebrate it!!
When people were describing Holi to me I was told, "Oh yeah. If you go out into the streets today make sure you wear clothes that you don't mind if someone throws paint at you." Okay. Interesting. So it is my understanding that pretty much - Anyone and Everyone is fair game to be "holied" on this festive day. In fact, so much so that, Claudius would not drop Matt off at the usual place and let him walk the remainder of the way to the office door. Claudius insisted that people would be "cheeky" with Matt and would throw paint at him and wreck his work clothes! (He's such a thoughtful guy, aye?!)
So, although it took Matt an extra 40 minutes to reach the doorstep of work (lots of construction going on right now).....in Claudius' mind - This was THE ONLY option. He would "not be having 'Sir' get 'Holied' on his way into the office!" Haha!
Since the kids didn't have school a couple of my friends and I put our heads together and decided we'd do a little holi-ing of our own on our Avenue. There is going to be a big Holi Celebration in our neighborhood on Saturday but we weren't going to be able to make it so we decided we'd make our OWN fun! :0)
Within moments of everyone arriving.....We had a Holi-War on our hands! ;0) Heheheeh!
It was no small feat getting these kids to stand still long enough to get a "before" picture.
No way that the kids had ALL the fun today....Mommies had fun too!
The kids have all decided that this is their FAVORITE Indian holiday (do ya blame 'em?!) and that we should DEFINITELY celebrate it more than ONCE a year! ;0) This was a GREAT India day!
Happy Holi-Happy Spring! Next year - I will INTENTIONALLY go out on Holi just so that I CAN get painted by the locals! They better watch out though - I will not be walking about the city unarmed so if they wish to "start" something with me....I will "finish" it ;0)
When people were describing Holi to me I was told, "Oh yeah. If you go out into the streets today make sure you wear clothes that you don't mind if someone throws paint at you." Okay. Interesting. So it is my understanding that pretty much - Anyone and Everyone is fair game to be "holied" on this festive day. In fact, so much so that, Claudius would not drop Matt off at the usual place and let him walk the remainder of the way to the office door. Claudius insisted that people would be "cheeky" with Matt and would throw paint at him and wreck his work clothes! (He's such a thoughtful guy, aye?!)
So, although it took Matt an extra 40 minutes to reach the doorstep of work (lots of construction going on right now).....in Claudius' mind - This was THE ONLY option. He would "not be having 'Sir' get 'Holied' on his way into the office!" Haha!
Since the kids didn't have school a couple of my friends and I put our heads together and decided we'd do a little holi-ing of our own on our Avenue. There is going to be a big Holi Celebration in our neighborhood on Saturday but we weren't going to be able to make it so we decided we'd make our OWN fun! :0)
Within moments of everyone arriving.....We had a Holi-War on our hands! ;0) Heheheeh!
It was no small feat getting these kids to stand still long enough to get a "before" picture.
Oh yeah, Baby! Let the fun begin!
Live Footage of the Holi-Fun!
Mirja giving me a five second warning to go and
put down my camera b/4 she BLASTS me with that powder! (She wasn't kidding either! HEHE!)
Just when you think that it can't get any messier - The kids decide to add WATER to their paint war!!
Out of water so soon!?
The throw...the poof of powder...then...wait...for...it....SPLAT!!!
No way that the kids had ALL the fun today....Mommies had fun too!
I am so glad that when Mirja and Vanessa arrived today that they gave me "once over" and sweetly asked, "Is that what you're wearing for Holi?!" To which I replied, "I thought I would just take pictures!?" Mirja promptly told me in her best Finnish accent, "WHAT?! That's soooOOOoooOOoo boring!" I'm so glad I listened to them and went upstairs and put on some grungy duds b/c I would have truly missed out if I had just stood behind the lense and didn't stop to fling a little powder with friends and family! ;0)
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Oh Look! It's Rainbow Rambo!? Nah. It's Arrtu! Rachel is that YOU!?!?!!? Colorful-Keeka! |
Multi-colored Mikey!
A Drenched & Drippy David!
The AFTER picture!
Rach & Joona
WOW! Talk about getting your hair colored! Rainbow Brite's got nothin' on you, Erica!!! Human Canvas?! Thank You Vanessa & Mirja for helping us make some great Bangalore memories today! xo |
Holi Cow!!!! ;0)
The kids have all decided that this is their FAVORITE Indian holiday (do ya blame 'em?!) and that we should DEFINITELY celebrate it more than ONCE a year! ;0) This was a GREAT India day!
Happy Holi-Happy Spring! Next year - I will INTENTIONALLY go out on Holi just so that I CAN get painted by the locals! They better watch out though - I will not be walking about the city unarmed so if they wish to "start" something with me....I will "finish" it ;0)
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