Since moving to India I have learned that there are two kinds of people. Those that eat meat and those that don't. True, we have these types of people in America too but it is a REALLY big deal here. You are not just casually a "vegetarian." You are one or the other. The herbivores do not cross over into carnivore territory. They stick to their veg ways. Most of them make this decision based on their religion. Hindus hold cows sacred and choose not to eat beef while Muslims view pigs unclean. Anything we buy in the store is clearly labeled so we know if something is
veg or non-veg.
While on a recent "Mommy/Daughter" date - Rachel requested to go to McDonald's. As a sidenote, we have probably eaten at McDonald's a total of 3-4 times since we moved here over a year ago. It's just not the same as home. Absolutely NO beef products of any sort. Instead, the menu includes items such as: McAloo Tikka Burger (which is a spicy, fried potato patty) or Paneer sandwiches. Paneer is somewhat like a mozzarella cheese. Locals call it cottage cheese (although it is NOTHING like US cottage cheese). When we are having paneer for dinner and the kids ask what it is I just tell them, "It's squeaky cheese." It truly does make a funny squeaky-ish sound when you bite down on it.
Matt's co-workers have declared their favorite fast food restaurant to be Burger King as it truly has a "veg" menu. (Although, I've never seen a Burger King here in India? They must eat at Burger King when they are not in Bangalore.) Subway & KFC are other US fast food chains that you can find in Bangalore but again, the menus are suited to please the local population and you will find lots of unique & spicy options. I actually was just reading on-line that McDonald's will be debuting it's first all-veg restaurant in northern India in 2013!
One thing that our McDonald's in Bangalore has that is JUST like HOME is....French Fries. Oh yes, those glorious, piping hot, salty - FAT sticks! Gotta love them. Nothing is better than a large order of fries with a Diet Coke. (I know, the fries negate the Diet Coke. Whatever!) Gotta say though, call me paranoid but I have NEVER ordered a fountain soda here in India. I'm still very sketched out by it all and especially wary of the whole ice situation. So, somehow, ordering fries with a warm bottle of orange juice?!?!!? just doesn't have the same appeal.
So, I recently asked an Indian friend of mine if there is anything she thinks is strange when she goes to the US and she said, "Yeah! What's with you guys and your COLD drinks?! Why does everything have to be so cold?!" Hahahah! Isn't that funny?! I had never thought much about it but she's right. We do like our drinks COLD don't we?! What a great observation because she's right - In India, room temperature beverages are very common. In fact, when we go out to a restaurant here in India and ask for water you have to be very specific about what you want. Do you want bottled water? Do you want it chilled? Do you want it still (or bubbly). Do you want ice in the water? Who knew ordering water could be so tricky!? Hahaha!
Fries & Nuggets - Pretty much just like home!
Ooh! Very good question!!
See the symbol?! Fries = Veg!
Barbecue Sauce = Veg
Nuggets = Non-Veg!
And so there you have it! You see those little green/red boxes on everything! Milk. Potato Chips. Candy. Butter. Cheese. You name it. It will be labeled as veg or non-veg. Which are you!? Veg or Non-Veg?! :0) Me, you ask?! I eat it ALL! :0)
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