I scream, You scream, We ALL scream
Growing up in the Midwest, one would be safe to assume that I love all things dairy. Yep, I sure do! Cheese, milk, and my favorite of all...ICE CREAM! Sweet, cold, spoonful’s of bliss - I LOVE IT! I'm not alone! Check out some of these ice cream "fun facts" I found
* The average person eats 22 quarts of ice cream a year! (Can you say, "Hello Weight Watchers?!")
* Legend has it that the Roman emperor Nero used to send his slaves scurrying to the mountains to collect snow and ice to make flavored ices. (I like your style, Nero!)
* George Washington was said to have consumed ENORMOUS quantities of ice cream.(Wonder if it was more than 22 quarts per year?! Fatso!)
* The most avid ice cream eaters in the U.S. don't live in Hawaii, the South, California, or any other hot climate. Instead, in 1999, it was reported that the good citizens of Omaha, Nebraska, ate more ice cream per person than any other Americans. (Go, Huskers!)
* Immigrants at Ellis Island were served vanilla ice cream as part of their "Welcome to America" meal. ("Shooooooot!" that was said in my best Towmater voice by the way! That's just about as good as rollin' out the 'ole red carpet isn't it?!)
* In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July as National Ice Cream Month (as if I needed another reason to LOVE that guy!)
* One out of five ice cream eaters share their ice cream with their dog or cat. (Gotta admit that back in the day I used to share my ice cream with our family dog, Fifi! Yup! Shore did!)
* 13% of men and 8% of women admit to licking the bowl clean after they eat their ice cream. (I'll admit it. I have NOooOOooOoo shame!)
* Elvis Presley is said to have loved ice cream. Supposedly, peach ice cream was his favorite. (Hey, if ice cream was good enough for The King...it's good enough for me!)
I think we would all agree that in the USA, ice cream options are limitless! While grocery shopping, you can often stock up on your favorite flavors by the pint, quart or gallon! Breyers, Friendly's, Edy's, Ben & Jerry's, Carvel, Hood, Drumsticks, Dibs, Klondike Bars (as a side note here's another little fun fact...Ice cream novelties such as ice cream on sticks and ice cream bars were introduced in the 1920s. Seems like kid stuff, but today, adults consume nearly one-half of all such treats!) The US has a supreme selection of solidified sweets!!
Dare I begin to take us down the path of all of the places I would frequently go to eat ice cream while living in the US?!...Cold Stone Creamery, Friendly's, Culver's, Brigham's, Dairy Queen. My favorite place to eat ice cream is a cute little place in Jaffrey, NH called Kimballs Farm. Oh Good Grief! If you ever find yourself in their neck of the woods - You gotta check them out. Countless flavors to choose from and all homemade right there at Kimball's. Kahlua Crunch is my personal fave! TO DIE FOR!

Unfortunately, I have found Indian ice cream to be lacking. :o/ In flavor choices, in consistency of the creamy smooth goodness...it's just NOT the same as what I would scoop out of my freezer at home. We have options like Amul Dairy , Kwality Wall's, & Mother Dairy.
You'd be hard pressed to walk up into any US ice cream parlor and find flavors as unique as, "Raj Bhog, Afghan Dry Fruits or Shahista Pista Kulfi!" :0) Maybe it's an acquired taste?!
There's a familiar flavor in this lot! Chocolate!!!! Sorry, but I'm passing on the Fruit Bonanza as well as the Spanish Saffron & Cream Balls!?!?
All of these are flavors are currently being sold in the frozen dairy section of our local Indian grocer but if I'm being completely honest - Don't feel too bad for us - It took us all of about 2 days upon landing in India to realize that Baskin-Robbins IS here in INDIA! Thank you, Jesus! Baskin-Robbins has saved us on many "I need ice cream" moments. Our Baskin-Robbins experience is complete with a freshly made waffle cone. (Another fun fact moment...Did you know that the ice cream cone was allegedly invented at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis?! When an ice cream vendor ran out of bowls he linked up with a waffle maker who rolled his waffles up into cones!) Our Baskin-Robbins has the typical "31" flavor offering just like at home and although you will find a couple of unfamiliar flavors most of them are just like what we'd find at home. The kids favorites are: World Class Chocolate, Alphonso Gold (made with alphonso mangos), Cookies n Cream and Mint Chocolate Chip. Daddy's favorite is Butterscotch Ribbon and mine is a flavor that is only offered for one month throughout the course of the year (Thank GOD or I'd be roughly the size of a barge!) and is called Coconut Crunch or something like that?! We'll have to see if they showcase it again this year?
Was just thinking?!....If I have dedicated a whole blog post to ice cream does this indicate I have some sort of serious problem!? Hahaha! I sure do love it and I give you all permission to hit up your local Dairy Queen and have a Cherry Dipped Cone in remembrance of me or if you really want to see a funny reaction ask them when they plan to start carrying Shahista Pista Kulfi ;0) Bon Appetit! xo
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