Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

I have soooo much to blog about from our vacation but the thought of it is a bit daunting so I am going to wish you all a Happy Halloween instead and I will work on the vacation blogging in the coming days :)  OH!!!  AND!!!!  Our sea shipment arrived!  YA-HOO!  No more sleeping on air mattresses!  I can't even tell you how nice it's been.  We are currently buried in boxes but it's so much fun opening up each "package" and finding items we've been without for the last two months.  It's all about "The Little Things" isn't it?!  Who knew that Smuckers Strawberry Preserves or Dunkin Donuts could bring so much happiness!?  The last few days have been filled with "little" things that remind us of home and give 'ya the warm fuzzies inside. 

My heart is a bit heavy today for my Sweet Little Erica.  She's been having an emotional day.  Some days are just like that here.  One minute all is hunky-dory and the next moment something happens that triggers a memory or some random sad feeling and before you know it...You're crying.  That's Erica's day today.  I went out to run some errands.  Erica and the boys chose to stay home and Rachel came with me.  After being gone about an hour, Erica called me on my cell phone.  Crying.  She asked how much longer I was going to be gone and said she was "Just really missing me."  I was thinking to myself, "Really!?  How is that even possible?  I just left and we've spent the last several days together...Don't you need a BREAK from your Dear old Mom?!"  Anyhow.  I promised I would get home as quickly as I could and encouraged her to try not to be so sad.  When we pulled into the driveway, she came rushing out to meet me and gave me a big hug and told me how much she loved me and that she was so glad I was home.  It was all a bit overwhelming (and I kinda enjoyed the extra attention!  HAHAHA!)  Anyhow.  I just figured she was "having a moment" and didn't really think too much about it and then I sat down to the computer and I just found an email that she sent to my mother-in-law while I was at the store.  Oh Dear.  My poor sweet Erica.  I didn't realize she was having such a hard time.  I know tomorrow is a new day and she'll be fine but today - My Mommy Heart Breaks for her.  Prayers appreciated that Jesus will chase her blues away.

Here is the email she mailed to my MIL:
subject:im sad
i have been missing everybody!i want to go back to crying.
 so upset.i cant do this at all.....i cant  be in india im not ment to be in india.imment to be in america its just.......MY HOME!

LOVE erica i miss you!

My Poor Sweet Girl.  She's more like her Momma then I thought! ;0)  India can be a very overwhelming and at times a lonely place.  I pray tomorrow is brighter!

SOOOOO!  Onto a lighter subject.  We celebrated Halloween a day early.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's an Indian thing!?  Regardless of what the calendar showed, it was October 31st in our hearts and we had a great time.  Our neighborhood sponsors a Halloween parade for the children followed by trick or treating within our community.  (Maybe that's part of why Erica is missing home.  Holidays are a time you think of friends and family and traditionally our last several years of Halloween celebrating have been spent "Spookin it Up" with some of our dearest friends.  Oh Dear.  Moving on or I'll be the next one sobbing!)

Happy Halloween 2011

For the first time in Halloween history (NINE years to be exact!)  Rachel decided NOT to be an animal for Halloween.  We broke the mold and got our creative juices flowing and came up with this Chiquita Banana Girl costume!  She won 2nd place in her age group at our Community Halloween party.  Her prize was a soccer ball and she was soooo happy to be one of the big winners.  She was quite smitten with herself!  hahaha!

Stepping Up to Claim
Her Prize!

Rachel is the proud owner of......
Drum Roll Please....

She was so caught up in the moment she forgot that she HATES to play soccer!  hahaha!  Amazing what a little time in the limelight will do to the 'ole brain, aye?!

Erica stormed her closet and pieced together this little number all by herself.  I was most impressed that she came up with a "name" for her character.  She is a "Pom Cat"'ve heard of her distant cousin the Tom Cat, right!?  How clever is she?! 

Michael is the resident Super Mario Brothers gamer extraordinaire.  So it came as no surprise that he would disguise himself as the Big M!  What I didn't mean to do was make him look like some sort of "Adolf Hitler Mario"  Oops!  Let's just say I won't be making any extra money as a make-up artist!  (Our driver, Cladius, LOVED Michael's mustache and got quite a kick out of it as almost ALL Indian men have mustaches!)

CRAP!  Mikey is his twin!

David. David. David. What are we going to do with you?!  Maybe we should have dressed him up as Mr. Crabs instead of Spongebob, aye!?

I'm sure Michael is only trying to help but chances are that pulling David up by the tips of his hair fibers is NOT going to help in the "Smiles" Dept.

 Yet another FAILED attempt to get David to SMILE!!!

Ah-Haa!!!  When all else fails - You threaten "You get NOOOOOO candy if you don't smile in this picture!"  Amazing, the boy is actually smirking!  hahahaha!

Heading down our Avenue to participate in the Halloween Parade

 Met up with some friends.

Parade Registration

Michael leading the line-up of 6-9 year olds.  (David joined their group as he didn't want to have to walk alone!)

YEP!!!  All the way in India - I found someone sportin' the Purple Pride of Minnesota!  Loyal fan!?  Yah, ya Betcha!!!

Since arriving, I have discovered there are actually quite a few people here from Minnesota.  I've been thinking we should get together and cook up a hot dish and drink some Pop!?!?!  (If you are now lost in translation - You are clearly NOT from Minnesota!!)  Uff Da!

Although we often find ourselves missing friends from home, we remind ourselves this is only temporary.  An opportunity of a lifetime and God has us here for a purpose!  We finished the night off by counting our loot and going to bed on a sugar high.  Does it get any better than that?!  Happy Halloween, Everybody!!

Rachel claims they hit a new "World Record" in
Candy Collection!!!


  1. Wow! A lot has been going on.... YAY for getting your shipment. I bet it is so nice sleeping in real beds instead of on air mattresses!

    Glad to hear you had a great Halloween adventure! The costumes look awesome. That is so cool Rach won a soccer ball! :)

    My heart goes out to Erica, I know all of you must have days that are more difficult than others. Praying that everyone continues to adjust well.

    By the way I grew up calling it "pop" as well only after marrying Jake did I start calling it "soda", ha! Thanks for sharing all the great pictures of the family.

  2. Oh yes, I forgot in my last comment...I LOVE your "ghosts" on the front porch! Did you draw and cut them out yourself Jen!?
