Wednesday 7 September 2011

Probably just the time of day...

It's probably just the time of day.  I'm feeling a bit hungry and tired and I'm longing for the kids to be home from school.  Put those things together and it makes for a prone-to-be-emotional-Jen :/  So, I guess I'll share my little moment I'm having with all of you.  It may not tug at your heartstring anyway (like I said - I'm probably just overly tired at the moment).  Aside from saying good-bye to our family, friends and friends that are like our family - Hands down, the hardest thing we had to do was leave our dog, Charlie behind.  He's the sweetest thing you'll ever meet.  Loyal to the core.  He follows us everywhere.  Never have to put him on a leash b/c all he wants to do is be with us.  After much prayer and deliberation we thought it would be best to leave Charlie in the US.  So many things crossed our minds, what if we brought him to India and he were to get bitten by a snake or a poisonous frog?  What if he got loose and ended up as "Charlie Chow" on someones table?  (Kidding!  Well...sorta!)  What if he were attacked by a wild dog?  You get the idea.  Some of our "Friends that are like Family" are stepping in as his family and watching him while we are away.  We are so thankful that we don't have to worry about his health and his safety but let me tell ya - We miss that silly 'ole pooch!  We've gotten stories from home of him trying so sneak up on the furniture for a snooze or stealing freshly made cookies (NAUGHTY CHARLIE!!!)  Anyhow....Back to my moment.  So, my second child, Erica is a sensitive-sweety by nature.  Makes friends easily and has a very tenderheart.  As far as the kids go - Leaving was probably the hardest for Erica.  :/  Anyhow....focus (can you tell I have a hard time with that!?)  So as I was poking around here in the hotel looking for a scrap piece of paper and a pencil I happened upon a stray piece of paper that Erica had scratched out the simple words, "I love you Charlie."  Why does that make me so sad?!?!?!?  I don't know.  I guess it's finding her feelings written out on paper or perhaps knowing the silliness of it all -  that her dog that she left behind will obviously never read it.    You know what?  Or maybe it's just the simple fact that I too "Love you, Charlie!"  Hmphh....I need to gather myself.  B/c it really shouldn't be this big of a deal, right?!  Maybe I better go take a quick snooze or eat something to keep my emotions in check?!  hahah!


  1. Goodness...if you are just starting to feel emotional now then I'm impressed. It's so exciting what you guys are doing but also a big change. It's ok to feel emotional. That's called being a human being :)

  2. Ugh, SO SAD!
    Leaving a dog behind IS a big deal, even when it is the right decision! Pets worm their way into your hearts and routines. When they are gone, there is a HUGE hole. But, at least he isn't gone gone. When you return, he will be waiting with sloppy kisses for all!

  3. It is ok to be emotional. I can only imagine how hard it was to leave Charlie and I promise he is being love and well cared for. Actually, after the cookie incident on Tuesday, Maya and I bought him a box of his own "cookies" so he wouldn't steel theirs. Well, we filled up little cookie jar/canister and gave him one. Then I left the full canister on the windowsill (behind the sink) which is pretty high and out of the way. Yesterday, when we waked in the house, we were met with another surprise. The canister was broken to pieces on the counter and floor and their were no dog treats left.....wonder who did that? I told him I forgive him since I know he misses all of you and maybe those treats helped him somehow. (luckily Dory's fish bowl wasn't knocked over with the canister, because then we would have had a real problem ). Well, Charlie, the silly 'ole pooch', is getting ready to wake the kids up for school but he misses you- actually we all miss you! Love you!

  4. Aw. That was the sweetest thing, ever, Jen. Charlie is part of your family - no dog is ever "just a dog." Hang in there. Thanks for sharing the sweet story of your daughter's love note to her buddy. Hang in there...

  5. Aw....Jen what a sweet post. It is amazing how quickly pets become part of the family. Charlie is an adorable dog and is perfect addition to your family! I cannot imagine the amount of thought and prayers that went into making this decision. Sometimes all it takes is for a simple note from one of our children to really strike a chord with our similar feelings especially if we are trying to be "strong" for their sake. Praying for a smooth transition for all of you. Love you guys!

  6. Hi Jen! Prayed for you and your family today and will whenever you pop into my mind - which gets kinda often during the day. Just wondering as we have a day of remembering 911 here in the states, how is America perceived in your new neighborhood? The media says we are being remembered world-wide but that can be a pretty general statement. Is India friendly to you guys, do they have sympathies for the terror of that day? I've always had a real love and interest in India since my teens (ya' know, I was already chiseling pom-pom spellouts on my stone tablet back then) but have never heard anything about their mind-set about 911.

    Our Pastor is having voice problems so Richie preached this AM. Love him to pieces and he has such convicting messages - and I still like him. You would be so proud of him. Hard to think of him as a college rabel rouser. Well, maybe not. But the Lord is really using him. Today was such a tough day to preach on Patriot's Day. My Jim sang "My Country Tis of Thee" with a modulation into "God Bless America," which is so identified with 911. Lot's of people got kinda weepy and Richie had to follow that - but the combination was so good. Richie was a little choked up but was so super good; made people realize how normal he is.

    Hope you life is getting better and you're finding your new-normal. Remember when we would sing "I Love you, Lord" after devotions for Cheerleading practice? Just sing that during your tough times. He'll make it all better. Love you!
