Monday 26 September 2011

Proof of the Scarf Strangler!

So these pictures are not the greatest but here's David's war wounds from the little strangling incident at school! 

I don't know why this picture is loading wierd but if you look closely at the right side of his neck you should be able to see part of the burn mark on his neck.  (This is the day after & I had to go to school to get him b/c he threw up.)  He's looking pretty pale, aye?

Side view of burn mark from scarf
Lastly, the chin damage.


  1. Okay...I need more info on the strangling incident! What the heck happened?

    Also, I'm touched that you remember how very much I love coconut! You've inspired me to try to find that ice cream. I hear a place in Scituate has it. I'll keep you posted. ly, Cristina

  2. Wow!!! Good thing he is a tough kid! Glad it was only surface marks and nothing more serious!

  3. Geez...I'm glad he's okay! I love all the pics you've been uploading and following your blog. You guys are adapting so well :)
